The day we were to leave to visit the Japanese coastline was the day I was reading Psalm 93 early in the morning. It read, "The mighty oceans have roared, O LORD. The mighty oceans roar like thunder; the mighty oceans roar as they pound the shore. But mightier than the violent raging of the seas, mightier than the breakers on the shore-- the LORD above is mightier than these!" It was stunning to read how poignantly those verses fit the promise of what God was wanting t do in Japan.
"What an encouragement to meet with pastors from all parts of Japan the last few days who are giving their lives and resources to help heal the victims' lives in the tsunami-affected areas. One pastor, Sato had a church in the Fukushima Daichi area only 2 kilometers away from the reactor. His entire congregation of 250 people had to evacuate the city. Their homes were washed away. His church building is entirely gone. Over 50 members of his church are missing. He stated that for three days there was nothing to eat. But he emphatically said that the church is alive and that every day the church gathers for prayer now and many people have recently gotten saved. “The Lord is really shaking things up,” Pastor Sato told us and even though the congregation is meting without an official building. Though displaced he stated emphatically, “we have joy! Several of he leaders we met had been not only visiting the areas but sending teams there to bring healing in the name of Christ.
On Saturday we visited the coast destroyed by the tsunami, the town of Ishnomagi. Boats and cars atop tall buildings revealed the wave was over 80 feet high! 5000 people are still missing and presumed dead. We were able to give a brand new truck filled with supplies to Pastor Masao Kanaya. I prayed as we laid hands on him and thanked him for his valiance for the cause of Christ. All he could do was weep as he received the keys. He is distributing hygiene kits, water, food, clothing, bicycles and emergency supplies through his church. I am so encouraged by what I saw. What do you guys think?