Friday, June 13, 2008

27 Years Together!

Twenty Seven years ago, today, Lenya and I were married on a warm afternoon in Southern California. I was a nervous groom and my shoes were too small, almost cutting circulation to my feet. But Lenya's beauty overshadowed any negatives. She was just stunning. In ancient times at Jewish weddings, the groom and his party traveled to the house of the bride. When he arrived, he announced, "Ah, my beloved, you were set apart for me from the beginning of the world!" I have always felt (and still do) that Lenya was set apart for me by God. She has done more to enrich my life than any other human being alive. I am complete...and stoked!


Levi Lusko said...

Happy anniversary guys! You two are an awesome couple and an amazing team! MUCH LOVE!!

kari said...

happy anniversary skip and lenya! justin and i were married on june 13th as well- we mark 10 years!

May this be the best year yet!

May God continue to bless you both as you serve our AWESOME GOD!

ps- justin posted our pics on

zee said...

Well I missed this by 2 months. Anywho, congrates on 27 years of an awesome marriage.

My wife an I will be married for 7 years now, october 11th. Funny thing about that is? It's the Day of Attonment for this year. Well it all depends on the calander you use I suppose.

Anywho, when you can please pray for us. You'll remember me, I'm the only guy from Calvary ABQ, that now lives in Kosovo.


Jonathon, Rezarta, Joshua Zengerle!:D

I realy miss mexican food!!:(
